Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Monte Verde
After long, often bitter debate, archeologists have finally come to a consensus that humans reached southern Chile 12,500 years ago. The date is more than 1,000 years before the previous benchmark for human habitation in the Americas, 11,200-year-old stone spear points first discovered in the 1930s near Clovis, N.M. The Chilean site, known as Monte Verde, is on the sandy banks of a creek in wooded hills near the Pacific Ocean. Even former skeptics have joined in agreeing that its antiquity is now firmly established and that the bone and stone tools and other materials found there definitely mark the presence of a hunting-and-gathering people. The new consensus regarding Monte Verde, described in interviews last week and formally announced Monday, thus represents the first major shift in more than 60 years in the confirmed chronology of human prehistory in what would much later be called, from the European perspective, the New World. For American archeologists it is a liberating experience not unlike aviation's breaking of the sound barrier; they have broken the Clovis barrier. Even moving back the date by as little as 1,300 years, archeologists said, would have profound implications on theories about when people first reached America, presumably from northeastern Asia by way of the Bering Strait, and how they migrated south more than 10,000 miles to occupy the length and breadth of two continents. It could mean that early people, ancestors of the Indians, first arrived in their new world at least 20,000 years before Columbus. Evidence for the pre-Clovis settlement at Monte Verde was amassed and carefully analyzed over the last two decades by a team of American and Chilean archeologists, led by Dr. Tom D. Dillehay of the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Remaining doubts were erased by Dillehay's comprehensive research report, which has been circulated among experts and is to be published next month by the Smithsonian Inst... Free Essays on Monte Verde Free Essays on Monte Verde After long, often bitter debate, archeologists have finally come to a consensus that humans reached southern Chile 12,500 years ago. The date is more than 1,000 years before the previous benchmark for human habitation in the Americas, 11,200-year-old stone spear points first discovered in the 1930s near Clovis, N.M. The Chilean site, known as Monte Verde, is on the sandy banks of a creek in wooded hills near the Pacific Ocean. Even former skeptics have joined in agreeing that its antiquity is now firmly established and that the bone and stone tools and other materials found there definitely mark the presence of a hunting-and-gathering people. The new consensus regarding Monte Verde, described in interviews last week and formally announced Monday, thus represents the first major shift in more than 60 years in the confirmed chronology of human prehistory in what would much later be called, from the European perspective, the New World. For American archeologists it is a liberating experience not unlike aviation's breaking of the sound barrier; they have broken the Clovis barrier. Even moving back the date by as little as 1,300 years, archeologists said, would have profound implications on theories about when people first reached America, presumably from northeastern Asia by way of the Bering Strait, and how they migrated south more than 10,000 miles to occupy the length and breadth of two continents. It could mean that early people, ancestors of the Indians, first arrived in their new world at least 20,000 years before Columbus. Evidence for the pre-Clovis settlement at Monte Verde was amassed and carefully analyzed over the last two decades by a team of American and Chilean archeologists, led by Dr. Tom D. Dillehay of the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Remaining doubts were erased by Dillehay's comprehensive research report, which has been circulated among experts and is to be published next month by the Smithsonian Inst...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan
How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan Have you ever wondered what the process would be like to start something from scratch and end up with a million users? Today we’re going to be talking about just that with Noah Kagan, the chief sumo at sumo.com and AppSumo. He also hosts Noah Kagan Presents, which is an awesome podcast, and he has a steady stream of stuff on okdork.com. Our conversation today is going to help you set better goals and achieve more than you ever have before. How Noah handles the marketing at Sumo.com and what has the most potential. How Noah ended up at Mint, where he helped grow the company from zero to over a million users. Why Noah doesn’t believe in hope in the business world. The process Noah used to put his plan together, come up with ideas, figure out how much traffic he had, and more. Common mistakes that Noah sees other people making. Why copying methods you see described on other people’s blog posts doesn’t work. The greatest piece of marketing advice Noah has received. Links: Sumo.com AppSumo Noah Kagan Presents Okdork.com If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Noah: â€Å"I believe in hope in fantasy and fairytales in the real world or in the non-business world, but in business, no.†â€Å"If youre not making mistakes, youre probably not experimenting enough.†â€Å"At the end of the day, it really just comes down to you got to do it yourself go and experiment yourself, go and promote something.â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Operational Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Operational Decision Making - Research Paper Example The corporation’s core mission encompasses focusing on availing quality products and services in its specialized field not only nationally level but also globally (â€Å"ADNOC†). Description of Operations In quest to attain its varied final products, the company utilizes the present’ sophisticated technological knowhow in drilling crude oil and gas from its 100 wells nationally (â€Å"ADNOC†). The company contrary to when its capacity was 2.7 million bbl per day in 2000 now has tremendously increased whereby currently it is twenty one million bbl per day, hence making the state being among the leading players in the market (Wildcat Publishing 56). After drilling, transportation of raw materials - mainly crude oil and natural gas from the wells is by pipelines to the refineries (â€Å"ADNOC†). This is where real cracking of raw materials usually takes place to lighter products essential in other industries. Main inputs, which the company relies on in clude, 1. Crude oil In refineries, this raw material usually undergoes fractional distillation to obtain lighter and good quality products that are essential in diverse retail corporations. These include kerosene, diesel, petrol and in lighter or top chambers of the fractionating equipment comprise only cooking gases. 2. Associated gas Process entailed in handling or refining this form of raw material is extremely complex. Mainly, it encompasses refining by eliminating impurities found in the gas, which are non-hydrocarbon quantities and fluid from the pure product (â€Å"Pipeline Magazine†). After refining has taken place, respective authorities via pipes package the gas into LPGs then store it in warehouses ready for collection and distribution. 3. Non-Associated Gas This is a low-graded raw material mainly obtained from gas wells whereby after transportation through pipes from its respective regions, usually undergoes hydrogenation in the plant then stored in warehouses af ter packaging in cylinders. 4. Crude oil byproducts These encompass materials that have not undergone complete cracking process whereby recycling is an option to separate them into lighter components essential in gas industries like pentane. Supply Chain Decisions In order to increase on the company’s profitability, it will entail integrating of both private and retail distributors. This is to ensure the company does not incur high expenses because of tasks, which could have been undertaken effectively by other potential players specialized in this field, which is transportation. This operational decision will be effective due to the company’s high quality products due to its adoption of TQM, which up to date comprises one of the key strategies. Consequently, this will pose a significant impact on strategic objectives whereby their scope will only be within the company in ensuring once the products are in the market can sell well due to uncompromised quality. This impl ies clientele’s preference to ADNOC’s products will be high due to the company’s quality consistency. Hence, application of product differentiation strategy will significantly contribute to altering in a way some of the company’s objectives towards being customer centered (McGuigan, James & Frederick 338). Contrary to conventional way of numerous companies, lowering prices in quest to attract clients but in real sense
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Commercial Law Coursework (question is given on order instruction)
Commercial Law (question is given on order instruction) - Coursework Example f title clause which is the most fundamental one whereby the seller reserves tile to the goods that are delivered to the possession of the buyer as held in Romalpa case. This case combined both retention of title clause as well as bailment relationship between parties. In Clough Mills Ltd v Martin 2 ,there is no problem in this type of clause unless it seeks to retain equitable or beneficial ownership. In Re Bond Worth 3 , the court held that the title had already passed to buyer since it was not possible to retain equitable title although the buyer later granted back to the seller equitable charges which however was held void for want of registration. It shows that simple RoT clause is not suitable where goods sold are to be resold or manufactured into new ones. (2) The second category of clause is â€Å"all moneys clause†as an alternative to serve the purpose of retention of title until all debts of the buyer are paid to the seller rather than until payment of the purchase price as was affirmed in Armour v Thyssen 4 (3) Third category is â€Å"products clause†that aims at retaining or rather vesting title in the products made out of the goods originally supplied. But difficulty with this clause is that it serves to create as security for the goods originally purchased but becomes ineffective in the absence of registration. (4) Fourth category is â€Å"proceeds â€Å"or â€Å"tracing clause†that aims at acquiring proprietary interest in the proceeds of further sales of the buyer. This is again an ineffective clause as held in Romlpa case. Since the proceeds clause purports to create a fiduciary relationship between the parties, it requires to be registered and therefore courts have held them as registrable and as void for not having been registered. However, Romalpa case became a milestone on the law of retention of title as it held a conditional sale agreement valid even in the conditions of sold goods having been consumed or resold and the further appeal also upheld
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Road by Cormac McCarthy Essay Example for Free
The Road by Cormac McCarthy Essay The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a novel based in a post-apocalyptic world. It revolves around the life of a father and a son who are struggling to survive. Everything around them is destroyed, filled with ash and stripped of life yet the two continue to move south, towards the sea hoping for better days to come. Their lives are lived in a constant state of fear. Every day spent scavenging for food as they are constantly moving, trying to stay unnoticed and safe. In the world that they live in, survival is the only goal and the concept of morality has become non-existent. Cannibalism is the greatest fear as everyone is a predator. But in this â€Å"Barren, silent, godless†(4) world, where â€Å"the days more gray each one then what had gone before†(1) and where man is prey to man, the man and the boy hold their ground. They have not yet lost their sense of morality and refuse to resort to a lifestyle that many around them have adapted. To them certain acts are â€Å"intrinsically wrong†(O’Brien) and never justifiable. This way of thinking and ethical view resonates with the concept of moral absolutism. This philosophy, built on the foundations of Immanuel Kant’s belief that morality is the ability to act rationally, may be used as an explanation as to why the man and boy stick to their principles. Though, the two have very similar beliefs, the extent to which they follow and believe in them is different as the boy has stronger moral values. Therefore, under Kant’s philosophy, the boy in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road is arguably a moral absolutist due to the upbringing and relationship between him and his father as they are both accountable to one another and have a relationship as strong as one between man and God. Absolutism or something that is absolute is a principle that is universally valid, and is viewed without relation to other things. Moral Absolutism is when morality is universally valid and certain principles are viewed without relation to other things therefore they remain absolute no matter what situation or context they are put it. As a result, moral absolutism outlines that certain acts are always immoral and are never justifiable regardless of the motivation behind them or the consequences of those actions. When analysing Kant’s philosophy on morality there are three aspects that need to be considered. Firstly, as mentioned before, moral principles are absolute and do not allow for exceptions. These principles are not questionable because if they are put into different contexts and hypothetical situations, this opens doors to potentially infinite number of revisions and subtle qualifiers, and leaves one in a moral mess that Kant thought he was clarifying. (Rousseau) Secondly, Kant believed that all human beings are intrinsically important and that one should always respect the intrinsic worth of rational beings (Weilenberg). Therefore it is wrong to treat others as instrumental means for one’s gain (Josephson Institute). Thirdly and finally Kant contributed to the rule of Universality, which is that one should only act in a way that they believe would be appropriate if it was applied universally. Meaning that if one believes that an action is moral, would it remain moral if everyone around them was to act in that way. The rules and principles outlined in Kant’s moral philosophy and the basics of moral absolutism are visible in The Road by Cormac McCarthy. The man and the boy follow this belief system but as mentioned before, the extent to which the boy follows or believes in them is much different than the man. The man refers to himself and his son as the â€Å"good guys†and as outlined in Weilenberg’s essay they follow a moral code. This code consists of primarily never resorting to cannibalism, to not lying or stealing, helping others and never giving up (Weilenberg). These principles are very similar to those outlined in Kantian moral philosophy. All rational beings should be respected and should not be used for one’s own gain. Therefore cannibalism is never justifiable and helping others is a moral principle that must be followed. Throughout the novel, the man and the boy face many life threatening situations and it is during these situations that their level of morality is either weakened or strengthened. The first example of this would be when the man and the child encounter a man who has been struck by lightning but the man convinces the boy that it is not beneficial for them to help even after the boy’s urging (50). The man is ignoring principles and is focusing on his or their own good which goes against Kantian philosophy but even at this point the boy tries to convince his father otherwise. At another instance the boy responds to his father by saying, â€Å"If you break little promises, you’ll break big ones†(34) just as Kant argues that justifying one action opens up doors for an infinite number of possibilities which goes against absolutist principles. One of the main issues in the novel is cannibalism. The society in this post-apocalyptic world has in a way accepted cannibalism because of the threat of starvation but the man and the boy promise one another that no matter what the situation, they will not resort to it as the boy states, â€Å"We wouldn’t ever eat anybody, would we? .. No matter what? †and the father reassures his son by repeating, â€Å"No. No, matter what. †This is the fundamental statement that shows an absolute moral. Therefore they are arguably following Kantian philosophy and abide by moral absolutism. The man and the boy are living in a world where morality does not exist; as a result of this one many question the motivation behind the man and the boy’s moral standing. Though everyone around them has lost all sense of humanity, the two still follow certain principles. Early on in the novel, the man says, â€Å"If he [the boy] is not the word of God God never spoke†(5). Though this, it can be inferred that the man sees God in his son. He sees a superior being and a higher truth in his son. The man’s life surrounds around his son’s survival and he is his one and only motivation. Same applies to the son, as they both rely and trust in one another. Not only is The Road a tale of survival in a post-apocalyptic world but it is also the tale of the bond between father and the son and how strong this bond can be. The father preaches absolute morals to his son and they are both accountable to one another. This, is arguably the reason as to why the man and the boy hold absolute morals and values. In God and Moral Absolutes, Mathew O’Brien argues that once the existence of God is ruled out, it is impossible to demonstrate that there are moral absolutes. This argument can be looked with a different perspective. Though, the concept of God is not as strong in the man or the boy’s life their moral standing is very strong. Here the existence of God is ruled out but the bond between two people exists and as a result of this bond the father and son continue to live by their values. Also after the father’s death, the son continues to spiritually communicate with his father but it is stated, â€Å"He tried to talk to God but the best thing was to talk to his father †(286). Here, it may be argued that the bond between father and son was much stronger than that of man and God.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay on Clash of Cultures Portrayed in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club
Clash of Cultures Portrayed in The Joy Luck Club  The environment in which one grows up molds their character and behavior. The four daughters portrayed in The Joy Luck Club are of Chinese descent, yet they are not Chinese. The daughters speak in English, not the language of their mothers, Mandarin. The daughters are addressed by their English names, or they do not have a Chinese name at all. They think as Americans and have little memory of their Chinese thinking, customs or traditions.  " In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all the truths and hopes they have bought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Fractured English. They see that joy and luck do not mean the same to their daughters, that to these closed American-born minds 'joy luck' is not a word, it does not exist. They see daughters who will bear grandchildren born without any connecting hope passed from one generation to generation"(Tan).  Chinese mothers were "taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat my own bitterness". Yet, the daughters do not have this blind obedience to their mothers. After the piano talent show fiasco, a quarrel broke out between June and Suyuan. June did not have this blind obedience like a Chinese daughter, " I didn't have to do what my mother said anymore. I wasn't her slave. This wasn't China" and refused to be the best, perfect, as what her mother wants her to be. Her mother only hoped and wanted the best for her daughter, which is the Chinese thinking, yet June takes it that her mother wants her to be someone that she is not. When Suyuan tells June, " only one kind of daughter can live in this house, the obedien... ...he tensions between mothers and daughters that have their source in a clash of cultures. Tan also shows that as the mothers and daughters reconcile, these tensions begin to lessen and the daughters begin to accept their Chinese heritage.  Works Cited and Consulted Feng, Pin-chia. "Amy Tan." Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 173: American Novelists since World War II. Fifth Series.  Gale Reseach, 1996: 281 -289. Heung, Marina. "Daughter-Text/Mother-Text: Matrilineage in Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club." Feminist Studies. Fall 1993: 597 - 613. Schell, Orville. "Your Mother is in Your Bones." The New York Times Book Review. 19 March 1989: 3,28. Seaman, Donna, Amy Tan. "The Booklist Interview: Amy Tan."' Booklist. I October 19%.: 256,257. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York: A Division of Random House, Inc., 1991. Essay on Clash of Cultures Portrayed in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club Clash of Cultures Portrayed in The Joy Luck Club  The environment in which one grows up molds their character and behavior. The four daughters portrayed in The Joy Luck Club are of Chinese descent, yet they are not Chinese. The daughters speak in English, not the language of their mothers, Mandarin. The daughters are addressed by their English names, or they do not have a Chinese name at all. They think as Americans and have little memory of their Chinese thinking, customs or traditions.  " In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all the truths and hopes they have bought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Fractured English. They see that joy and luck do not mean the same to their daughters, that to these closed American-born minds 'joy luck' is not a word, it does not exist. They see daughters who will bear grandchildren born without any connecting hope passed from one generation to generation"(Tan).  Chinese mothers were "taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat my own bitterness". Yet, the daughters do not have this blind obedience to their mothers. After the piano talent show fiasco, a quarrel broke out between June and Suyuan. June did not have this blind obedience like a Chinese daughter, " I didn't have to do what my mother said anymore. I wasn't her slave. This wasn't China" and refused to be the best, perfect, as what her mother wants her to be. Her mother only hoped and wanted the best for her daughter, which is the Chinese thinking, yet June takes it that her mother wants her to be someone that she is not. When Suyuan tells June, " only one kind of daughter can live in this house, the obedien... ...he tensions between mothers and daughters that have their source in a clash of cultures. Tan also shows that as the mothers and daughters reconcile, these tensions begin to lessen and the daughters begin to accept their Chinese heritage.  Works Cited and Consulted Feng, Pin-chia. "Amy Tan." Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 173: American Novelists since World War II. Fifth Series.  Gale Reseach, 1996: 281 -289. Heung, Marina. "Daughter-Text/Mother-Text: Matrilineage in Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club." Feminist Studies. Fall 1993: 597 - 613. Schell, Orville. "Your Mother is in Your Bones." The New York Times Book Review. 19 March 1989: 3,28. Seaman, Donna, Amy Tan. "The Booklist Interview: Amy Tan."' Booklist. I October 19%.: 256,257. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York: A Division of Random House, Inc., 1991.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Compare and Contrast Grandparents’ Importance Essay
â€Å"Few can bring the warmth we can find in their embrace, and little more is needed to bring love than the smile on their face. They’ve a supply of precious stories, yet they’ve time to wipe a tear, or give us reasons to make us laugh. They grow more precious through the years. I believe that God sent us Grandparents, as our legacy from above, to share the moments of our life as extra measures of His love. †(www. the parentsday. com) Some kids really don’t realize how much they lose when they don’t spend enough time with their grandparents. Grandparents are extremely unique people who should truly be idolized, there aren’t many people like them who: will always care, will love unconditionally, and have lived through very tough times that most teens couldn’t understand. One of the most important reasons why grandparents should be idolized is that, grandparents are the type of people that will always care about their family. Census figures released recently quantify what experts have long noted as a growing phenomenon: The number of children being raised by grandparents–4. million–is at an all-time high, surpassing the population of children in foster care (Haynes V, Dion, www. grandparents. com). The growing number of grandkids being raised by their grandparents just shows how much grandparents truly care about their family. There is a reason elderly people always ask you if you’re hungry, or cold, or if anything is wrong too, grandparents don’t want their grandkids to suffer in the slightest bit. They want to make sure all is well. Another reason grandparents should be idolized is, there aren’t many people in the world that, no matter what you do wrong, will love you as if nothing at all had happened. Unconditional love isn’t a very common thing to come across, but grandparents tend to have it for each and every one of their grandchildren. Going to grandma and grandpa’s house normally means getting a face stuffed with junk food, getting little gifts just because, and getting called all those cute little nicknames that they give the grandkids. Most people will agree with this if they have a grandparent and will say that it is because they just want to show their love for them. Grand kids can do no wrong in a grandparent’s eyes, at least that’s what they say. It must take a lot of strength to push every little, bad thing someone has done, and just forgive them completely like nothing ever happened. Because of all the technology that exists, people in today’s times have it pretty easy compared to when grandparents were teenagers. They had to put up with more than people do now. About 7 million people served on active duty during the Korean War Era making them veterans of war. 997,000 people also served during WWII; 347,000 during the Vietnam War; and 291,000 during all three wars (www. vnf. org, Office of Veteran Affairs). These statistics prove that there is a large chance that an individual’s grandparents participated in at least one, if not more than one, of these wars. Besides the war, there is also the fact that there was way less technology back then. There were no televisions, no iPods, no cellphones, and no video games. They actually had to entertain themselves by using imagination, going outside, and not being lazy, which is very rare in today’s society. Most kids wouldn’t even know what to do with themselves if they didn’t have all the precious technology they do, and for that reason alone, people should look up to their grandparents. As a consequence of people not recognizing these amazing characteristics grandparents have, grandparents tend to taken advantage of. People need to spend more time with their grandparents to make them know they are appreciated. Grandparents don’t expect anything in return for their love, but try to make the feeling mutual. Everyone deserves a lot of love. Doing something as simple as taking them to lunch will surely brighten their day. Just take a minute and think about a grandparents impact on a child’s life, it truly is great. Anyone can see that grandkids should look up to their grandparents, there aren’t many people like them that will love you no matter what, will care for you, and have been in situations far more difficult than people deal with today. Because of all these things, grandkids should spend more time with them and love them as much as they possibly can back. It takes a lot to care and love and live through, what we consider bad and boring times, and come out, still a completely remarkable kind of individual that people can look up to. Grandparents always care about their grandchildren, even if the grandchildren deny it, grandparents love and care for them, no matter what happens. Grand parents are like parents, minus all of the fighting and the screaming. As Rudolph Giuliani said, â€Å"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And most importantly, cookies. â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Twilight 19. GOODBYES
19. GOODBYES Charlie was waiting up for me. All the house lights were on. My mind was blank as I tried to think of a way to make him let me go. This wasn't going to be pleasant. Edward pulled up slowly, staying well back from my truck. All three of them were acutely alert, ramrod straight in their seats, listening to every sound of the wood, looking through every shadow, catching every scent, searching for something out of place. The engine cut off, and I sat, motionless, as they continued to listen. â€Å"He's not here,†Edward said tensely. â€Å"Let's go.†Emmett reached over to help me get out of the harness. â€Å"Don't worry, Bella,†he said in a low but cheerful voice, â€Å"we'll take care of things here quickly.†I felt moisture filling up my eyes as I looked at Emmett. I barely knew him, and yet, somehow, not knowing when I would see him again after tonight was anguishing. I knew this was just a faint taste of the goodbyes I would have to survive in the next hour, and the thought made the tears begin to spill. â€Å"Alice, Emmett.†Edward's voice was a command. They slithered soundlessly into the darkness, instantly disappearing. Edward opened my door and took my hand, then drew me into the protecting enclosure of his arm. He walked me swiftly toward the house, eyes always roving through the night. â€Å"Fifteen minutes,†he warned under his breath. â€Å"I can do this.†I sniffled. My tears had given me an inspiration. I stopped on the porch and took hold of his face in my hands. I looked fiercely into his eyes. â€Å"I love you,†I said in a low, intense voice. â€Å"I will always love you, no matter what happens now.†â€Å"Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella,†he said just as fiercely. â€Å"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this, and I want to have the chance to apologize later.†â€Å"Get inside, Bella. We have to hurry.†His voice was urgent. â€Å"One more thing,†I whispered passionately. â€Å"Don't listen to another word I say tonight!†He was leaning in, and so all I had to do was stretch up on my toes to kiss his surprised, frozen lips with as much force as I was capable of. Then I turned and kicked the door open. â€Å"Go away, Edward!†I yelled at him, running inside and slamming the door shut in his still-shocked face. â€Å"Bella?†Charlie had been hovering in the living room, and he was already on his feet. â€Å"Leave me alone!†I screamed at him through my tears, which were flowing relentlessly now. I ran up the stairs to my room, throwing the door shut and locking it. I ran to my bed, flinging myself on the floor to retrieve my duffel bag. I reached swiftly between the mattress and box spring to grab the knotted old sock that contained my secret cash hoard. Charlie was pounding on my door. â€Å"Bella, are you okay? What's going on?†His voice was frightened. â€Å"I'm going borne,†I shouted, my voice breaking in the perfect spot. â€Å"Did he hurt you?†His tone edged toward anger. â€Å"No!†I shrieked a few octaves higher. I turned to my dresser, and Edward was already there, silently yanking out armfuls of random clothes, which he proceeded to throw to me. â€Å"Did he break up with you?†Charlie was perplexed. â€Å"No!†I yelled, slightly more breathless as I shoved everything into the bag. Edward threw another drawer's contents at me. The bag was pretty much full now. â€Å"What happened, Bella?†Charlie shouted through the door, pounding again. â€Å"I broke up with him!†I shouted back, jerking on the zipper of my bag. Edward's capable hands pushed mine away and zipped it smoothly. He put the strap carefully over my arm. â€Å"I'll be in the truck – go!†he whispered, and pushed me toward the door. He vanished out the window. I unlocked the door and pushed past Charlie roughly, struggling with my heavy bag as I ran down the stairs. â€Å"What happened?†he yelled. He was right behind me. â€Å"I thought you liked him.†He caught my elbow in the kitchen. Though he was still bewildered, his grip was firm. He spun me around to look at him, and I could see in his face that he had no intention of letting me leave. I could think of only one way to escape, and it involved hurting him so much that I hated myself for even considering it. But I had no time, and I had to keep him safe. I glared up at my father, fresh tears in my eyes for what I was about to do. â€Å"I do like him – that's the problem. I can't do this anymore! I can't put down any more roots here! I don't want to end up trapped in this stupid, boring town like Mom! I'm not going to make the same dumb mistake she did. I hate it – I can't stay here another minute!†His hand dropped from my arm like I'd electrocuted him. I turned away from his shocked, wounded face and headed for the door. â€Å"Bells, you can't leave now. It's nighttime,†he whispered behind me. I didn't turn around. â€Å"I'll sleep in the truck if I get tired.†â€Å"Just wait another week,†he pled, still shell-shocked. â€Å"Ren? ¦e will be back by then.†This completely derailed me. â€Å"What?†Charlie continued eagerly, almost babbling with relief as I hesitated. â€Å"She called while you were out. Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop.†I shook my head, trying to reassemble my now-confused thoughts. Every passing second put Charlie in more danger. â€Å"I have a key,†I muttered, turning the knob. He was too close, one hand extended toward me, his face dazed. I couldn't lose any more time arguing with him. I was going to have to hurt him further. â€Å"Just let me go, Charlie.†I repeated my mother's last words as she'd walked out this same door so many years ago. I said them as angrily as I could manage, and I threw the door open. â€Å"It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!†My cruel words did their job – Charlie stayed frozen on the doorstep, stunned, while I ran into the night. I was hideously frightened of the empty yard. I ran wildly for the truck, visualizing a dark shadow behind me. I threw my bag in the bed and wrenched the door open. The key was waiting in the ignition. â€Å"I'll call you tomorrow!†I yelled, wishing more than anything that I could explain everything to him right then, knowing I would never be able to. I gunned the engine and peeled out. Edward reached for my hand. â€Å"Pull over,†he said as the house, and Charlie, disappeared behind us. â€Å"I can drive,†I said through the tears pouring down my cheeks. His long hands unexpectedly gripped my waist, and his foot pushed mine off the gas pedal. He pulled me across his lap, wrenching my hands free of the wheel, and suddenly he was in the driver's seat. The truck didn't swerve an inch. â€Å"You wouldn't be able to find the house,†he explained. Lights flared suddenly behind us. I stared out the back window, eyes wide with horror. â€Å"It's just Alice,†he reassured me. He took my hand again. My mind was filled with the image of Charlie in the doorway. â€Å"The tracker?†â€Å"He heard the end of your performance,†Edward said grimly. â€Å"Charlie?†I asked in dread. â€Å"The tracker followed us. He's running behind us now.†My body went cold. â€Å"Can we outrun him?†â€Å"No.†But he sped up as he spoke. The truck's engine whined in protest. My plan suddenly didn't feel so brilliant anymore. I was staring back at Alice's headlights when the truck shuddered and a dark shadow sprung up outside the window. My bloodcurdling scream lasted a fraction of a second before Edward's hand clamped down on my mouth. â€Å"It's Emmett!†He released my mouth, and wound his arm around my waist. â€Å"It's okay, Bella,†he promised. â€Å"You're going to be safe.†We raced through the quiet town toward the north highway. â€Å"I didn't realize you were still so bored with small-town life,†he said conversationally, and I knew he was trying to distract me. â€Å"It seemed like you were adjusting fairly well – especially recently. Maybe I was just flattering myself that I was making life more interesting for you.†â€Å"I wasn't being nice,†I confessed, ignoring his attempt at diversion, looking down at my knees. â€Å"That was the same thing my mom said when she left him. You could say I was hitting below the belt.†â€Å"Don't worry. He'll forgive you.†He smiled a little, though it didn't touch his eyes. I stared at him desperately, and he saw the naked panic in my eyes. â€Å"Bella, it's going to be all right.†â€Å"But it won't be all right when I'm not with you,†I whispered. â€Å"We'll be together again in a few days,†he said, tightening his arm around me. â€Å"Don't forget that this was your idea.†â€Å"It was the best idea – of course it was mine.†His answering smile was bleak and disappeared immediately. â€Å"Why did this happen?†I asked, my voice catching. â€Å"Why me?†He stared blackly at the road ahead. â€Å"It's my fault – I was a fool to expose you like that.†The rage in his voice was directed internally. â€Å"That's not what I meant,†I insisted. â€Å"I was there, big deal. It didn't bother the other two. Why did this James decide to kill met There're people all over the place, why me?†He hesitated, thinking before he answered. â€Å"I got a good look at his mind tonight,†he began in a low voice. â€Å"I'm not sure if there's anything I could have done to avoid this, once he saw you. It is partially your fault.†His voice was wry. â€Å"If you didn't smell so appallingly luscious, he might not have bothered. But when I defended you†¦ well, that made it a lot worse. He's not used to being thwarted, no matter how insignificant the object. He thinks of himself as a hunter and nothing else. His existence is consumed with tracking, and a challenge is all he asks of life. Suddenly we've presented him with a beautiful challenge – a large clan of strong fighters all bent on protecting the one vulnerable element. You wouldn't believe how euphoric he is now. It's his favorite game, and we've just made it his most exciting game ever.†His tone was full of disgust. He paused a moment. â€Å"But if I had stood by, he would have killed you right then,†he said with hopeless frustration. â€Å"I thought†¦ I didn't smell the same to the others†¦ as I do to you,†I said hesitantly. â€Å"You don't. But that doesn't mean that you aren't still a temptation to every one of them. If you had appealed to the tracker – or any of them – the same way you appeal to me, it would have meant a fight right there.†I shuddered. â€Å"I don't think I have any choice but to kill him now,†he muttered. â€Å"Carlisle won't like it.†I could hear the tires cross the bridge, though I couldn't see the river in the dark. I knew we were getting close. I had to ask him now. â€Å"How can you kill a vampire?†He glanced at me with unreadable eyes and his voice was suddenly harsh. â€Å"The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, and then burn the pieces.†â€Å"And the other two will fight with him?†â€Å"The woman will. I'm not sure about Laurent. They don't have a very strong bond – he's only with them for convenience. He was embarrassed by James in the meadow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"But James and the woman – they'll try to kill you?†I asked, my voice raw. â€Å"Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and – please, please – trying not to be reckless.†â€Å"Is he still following?†â€Å"Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not tonight.†He turned off onto the invisible drive, with Alice following behind. We drove right up to the house. The lights inside were bright, but they did little to alleviate the blackness of the encroaching forest. Emmett had my door open before the truck was stopped; he pulled me out of the seat, tucked me like a football into his vast chest, and ran me through the door. We burst into the large white room, Edward and Alice at our sides. All of them were there; they were already on their feet at the sound of our approach. Laurent stood in their midst. I could hear low growls rumble deep in Emmett's throat as he set me down next to Edward. â€Å"He's tracking us,†Edward announced, glaring balefully at Laurent. Laurent's face was unhappy. â€Å"I was afraid of that.†Alice danced to Jasper's side and whispered in his ear; her lips quivered with the speed of her silent speech. They flew up the stairs together. Rosalie watched them, and then moved quickly to Emmett's side. Her beautiful eyes were intense and – when they flickered unwillingly to my face – furious. â€Å"What will he do?†Carlisle asked Laurent in chilling tones. â€Å"I'm sorry,†he answered. â€Å"I was afraid, when your boy there defended her, that it would set him off.†â€Å"Can you stop him?†Laurent shook his head. â€Å"Nothing stops James when he gets started.†â€Å"We'll stop him,†Emmett promised. There was no doubt what he meant. â€Å"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven.†His coven, I thought, of course. The show of leadership in the clearing was merely that, a show. Laurent was shaking his head. He glanced at me, perplexed, and back to Carlisle. â€Å"Are you sure it's worth it?†Edward's enraged roar filled the room; Laurent cringed back. Carlisle looked gravely at Laurent. â€Å"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice.†Laurent understood. He deliberated for a moment. His eyes took in every face, and finally swept the bright room. â€Å"I'm intrigued by the life you've created here. But I won't get in the middle of this. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James. I think I will head north – to that clan in Denali.†He hesitated. â€Å"Don't underestimate James. He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on†¦ I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. Truly sorry.†He bowed his head, but I saw him flicker another puzzled look at me. â€Å"Go in peace,†was Carlisle's formal answer. Laurent took another long look around himself, and then he hurried out the door. The silence lasted less than a second. â€Å"How close?†Carlisle looked to Edward. Esme was already moving; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall, and with a groan, huge metal shutters began sealing up the glass wall. I gaped. â€Å"About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female.†â€Å"What's the plan?†â€Å"We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south.†â€Å"And then?†Edward's tone was deadly. â€Å"As soon as Bella is clear, we hunt him.†â€Å"I guess there's no other choice,†Carlisle agreed, his face grim. Edward turned to Rosalie. â€Å"Get her upstairs and trade clothes,†Edward commanded. She stared back at him with livid disbelief. â€Å"Why should I?†she hissed. â€Å"What is she to me? Except a menace – a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.†I flinched back from the venom in her voice. â€Å"Rose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Emmett murmured, putting one hand on her shoulder. She shook it off. But I was watching Edward carefully, knowing his temper, worried about his reaction. He surprised me. He looked away from Rosalie as if she hadn't spoken, as if she didn't exist. â€Å"Esme?†he asked calmly. â€Å"Of course,†Esme murmured. Esme was at my side in half a heartbeat, swinging me up easily into her arms, and dashing up the stairs before I could gasp in shock. â€Å"What are we doing?†I asked breathlessly as she set me down in a dark room somewhere off the second-story hall. â€Å"Trying to confuse the smell. It won't work for long, but it might help get you out.†I could hear her clothes falling to the floor. â€Å"I don't think I'll fit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I hesitated, but her hands were abruptly pulling my shirt over my head. I quickly stripped my jeans off myself. She handed me something, it felt like a shirt. I struggled to get my arms through the right holes. As soon as I was done she handed me her slacks. I yanked them on, but I couldn't get my feet out; they were too long. She deftly rolled the hems a few times so I could stand. Somehow she was already in my clothes. She pulled me back to the stairs, where Alice stood, a small leather bag in one hand. They each grabbed one of my elbows and half-carried me as they flew down the stairs. It appeared that everything had been settled downstairs in our absence. Edward and Emmett were ready to leave, Emmett carrying a heavy-looking backpack over his shoulder. Carlisle was handing something small to Esme. He turned and handed Alice the same thing – it was a tiny silver cell phone. â€Å"Esme and Rosalie will be taking your truck, Bella,†he told me as he passed. I nodded, glancing warily at Rosalie. She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression. â€Å"Alice, Jasper – take the Mercedes. You'll need the dark tint in the south.†They nodded as well. â€Å"We're taking the Jeep.†I was surprised to see that Carlisle intended to go with Edward. I realized suddenly, with a stab of fear, that they made up the hunting party. â€Å"Alice,†Carlisle asked, â€Å"will they take the bait?†Everyone watched Alice as she closed her eyes and became incredibly still. Finally her eyes opened. â€Å"He'll track you. The woman will follow the truck. We should be able to leave after that.†Her voice was certain. â€Å"Let's go.†Carlisle began to walk toward the kitchen. But Edward was at my side at once. He caught me up in his iron grip, crushing me to him. He seemed unaware of his watching family as he pulled my face to his, lifting my feet off the floor. For the shortest second, his lips were icy and hard against mine. Then it was over. He set me down, still holding my face, his glorious eyes burning into mine. His eyes went blank, curiously dead, as he turned away. And they were gone. We stood there, the others looking away from me as the tears streaked noiselessly down my face. The silent moment dragged on, and then Esme's phone vibrated in her hand. It flashed to her ear. â€Å"Now,†she said. Rosalie stalked out the front door without another glance in my direction, but Esme touched my cheek as she passed. â€Å"Be safe.†Her whisper lingered behind them as they slipped out the door. I heard my truck start thunderously, and then fade away. Jasper and Alice waited. Alice's phone seemed to be at her ear before it buzzed. â€Å"Edward says the woman is on Esme's trail. I'll get the car.†She vanished into the shadows the way Edward had gone. Jasper and I looked at each other. He stood across the length of the entryway from me†¦ being careful. â€Å"You're wrong, you know,†he said quietly. â€Å"What?†I gasped. â€Å"I can feel what you're feeling now – and you are worth it.†â€Å"I'm not,†I mumbled. â€Å"If anything happens to them, it will be for nothing.†â€Å"You're wrong,†he repeated, smiling kindly at me. I heard nothing, but then Alice stepped through the front door and came toward me with her arms held out. â€Å"May I?†she asked. â€Å"You're the first one to ask permission.†I smiled wryly. She lifted me in her slender arms as easily as Emmett had, shielding me protectively, and then we flew out the door, leaving the lights bright behind us.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Musical Moulin Rouge Characters, Songs & Song & Storey essays
Musical Moulin Rouge Characters, Songs & Song & Storey essays Moulin Rouge is about a show girl Satin wanting to be a actress The songs were set from 1900 to todays music. They sang songs such as "Diamonds are a girls best friend", "mature boy", "complainte de la butte", "children of the revolution", "the sound of music", "zidlers rap", "lady marmalade", "mature girl", "skills like lee spirit", "because we can", "rhythm of the sight", "diamond dogs", "one day i'll fly away", "fool to be", "roxanne". Satin singing 5 duets. The stars are Nicole Kidman, Ewan Magreeger. It is all about love but Satin is not aloud to fall in love but she did. Theres no laws, no limits just one rule dont fall in love. The writer makes a storey which the duke producers. The night of your dreams was "Moulin Rouge". Meanwhile satin was dieingshe treied to break it off with Christine but they loved each other to much. She had to break it of as she wasn't aloud relationships. Christine was going to get killed if he was anywhere near Satin but he ahd no idea he could get killed. He goes to her preformance just to see if she was lieing about not loving him. Only for her to die at the performance of amphacemia. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of Calculators and William Seward Burroughs
The History of Calculators and William Seward Burroughs Determining who invented the calculator and when the first calculator was created is not as easy as it seems. Even in pre-historic times, bones and other objects were used to calculate arithmetic functions. Long afterward came mechanical calculators, followed by electrical calculators and then their evolution into the familiar but not-so-ubiquitous-anymore handheld calculator. Here, then, are some of the milestones and prominent figures who played a role in the development of the calculator through history. Milestones and Pioneers The Slide Rule:  Before we had calculators we had slide rules. In 1632, the circular and rectangular slide rule was invented by W. Oughtred (1574-1660).  Resembling a standard ruler, these devices allowed users to multiply, divide, and calculate roots and logarithms. They were not typically used for addition or subtraction, but they were commonplace sights in school rooms and workplaces well into the 20th century. Mechanical Calculators William Schickard (1592 - 1635): According to his notes, Schickard succeeded in designing and building the first mechanical calculating device. Schickard’s accomplishment went unknown and unheralded for 300 years, until his notes were discovered and publicized, so it was not until Blaise Pascal’s invention gained widespread notice that mechanical calculation came to the public’s attention. Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662): Blaise Pascal invented one of the first calculators, called the Pascaline, to help his father with his work collecting taxes. An improvement on Schickard’s design, it nevertheless suffered from mechanical shortcomings and higher functions required repetitive entries. Electronic Calculators William Seward Burroughs (1857 – 1898): In 1885, Burroughs filed his first patent for a calculating machine. However, his 1892 patent was for an improved calculating machine with an added printer.  The Burroughs Adding Machine Company, which he founded in St. Louis, Missouri, went on to great success popularizing the inventor’s creation. (His grandson, William S. Burroughs enjoyed great success of a far different kind, as a Beat writer.)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Consumer Behaviour College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Consumer Behaviour College - Essay Example This term, central to any understanding of consumer behaviour, refers to how consumers view a product/service, its price and its quality, among others. It focuses on subjective consumer interpretations of a product's attributes versus its price, what its possession and use will contribute to a consumer versus its price. Within the context of consumer theory, personality has two meanings. The first is consumer personality and the second is brand personality. Ideally, correlation between the two motivates the consumer market to purchase the brand in question and exhibit loyalty towards it. In both instances, personality refers to perceived attributes and characteristics. Consumer market segmentation is integral to focused marketing and the identification of potential consumers. The elderly refers to the consumer market segment which is comprised of the aged, generally those at, or above, pension age. This type of segmentation is restricted to age. The second type of segmentation is concerned with economic status. It effectively refers to consumer income and, more specifically, to those in the upper income brackets. The affluent are the rich consumers, irrespective of gender and age. The ever-increasing popularity, both national and global, of plastic surgery is amply evidence in the appeal of television shows and serials such as "Extreme Makeover" and "Nip/Tuck." Plastic surgery is now openly discussed and is no longer confined to emergencies or to the female market. In other words, plastic/cosmetic surgery is regularly performed for beautification and anti-ageing purposes and not out of necessity and is now being undertaken by both males and females, not just the latter. 3.1 Industry Facts and Figures The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (cited in Ruiz, 2007) estimates that the number of cosmetics surgeries performed per year has increased by almost 50% from 2000 to 2006. Market researcher, writing on the size of the industry and market, assert the impossibility of gauging the size of the industry/market as statistics are based upon procedures performed in hospitals and not those carried out in private clinics (Davis, 1995). Hazarding a guess, nevertheless, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (cited in Ruiz, 2007) asserts that it is a multi-billion pound industry. Indeed, tens of billions of pounds are spent on the global plastic surgery industry per annum (Jeffreys, 2005). It is, in other words, an extremely lucrative, constantly growing market. 3.2 Consumer Characteristics Several
Friday, November 1, 2019
Scientific Misconduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Scientific Misconduct - Essay Example Research precedes publication and accordingly, lapses happen. This threat put weight on specialists who pick to maltreat guidelines relating to research. Researchers submit to different violations extending from written falsification, information distortion, and information duplicating, and inclined surveys for some reasons including business purposes. The crucial purposes behind these exercises are bending data and formed to oneself alteration. Copyright encroachment is the work of other person arrangements, approaches, or words without giving legitimate credit. Apparently, this is the most broadly distinguished kind of wrongdoing. From time to time, it is troublesome to figure whether inventors intentionally disregarded a particularly noteworthy allude to or required taking in of the prior work. Discovering credit can furthermore be coincidentally reassigned from the first discoverer to a better-known expert (Rivlin). Inclination reviews of papers or recommendations are interchanged because some research conclusions may be unpleasant to the redirections of the researcher or his/her sponsor(s). Uncovered explanations are an ordinary sensation in coherent research that incorporates making without a doubt unverified cases. This violation is seen as a kind of investigation appalling conduct disregarding the way that there is no affirmation that occurrence of this structure have never provoked an offense (university). A related issue concerns the purposeful covering, disillusionment to appropriate or particular landing of the findings of exploratory studies. Studies may be covered or remain unpublished in light of the way that the disclosures are seen to undermine the business, political or distinctive distractions of the supporting agent or in light of the way that they disregard to support the ideological targets of the authority (Hrabowski). Changing of assembled data happens when an investigator fails to accomplish
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